Meet The Band

“Blue Jay and the Hawks” was founded in Henderson, Kentucky by brothers Jay, Brenan, and Richard Haskett , as well as drummer Tom Lehr (he penned the band’s name, a more appropriate title than their earlier 1967 venture, “The Flower Children of December”). Younger brother Tim, also an accomplished opera singer , occasionally added vocals. They soon developed a style of country jazz rock that they dubbed “bop hop” and toured the local taverns and college campus arena. The late 1980s brought accomplished RCA recording artist Gary Stewart to some of the Hawks’ sessions, and some of these sessions are featured  on “Our Music” page.


Jay  with  his  1955 Fender Telecaster that Gene Parsons, the drummer for the Byrds and originator of the B string bender, modified for him as he did for Clarence White in 1968 when history was made and “country rock” began.

Jay began playing guitar in 1964 after the Beatles and Rolling Stones appeared on Ed Sullivan, and soon tuned his influence from Clarence White, Charlie Christian, Joe Pass, Bernard Herrmann, and John Barry. His syncopated pedal staccato style of lead guitar with a “B” bender is  complimented by the exceptional “bushmonster” bass playing of his brother  Jeffrey Brenan. Their brother Richard contributes with his songwriting ability, and multi-instrumental talent.
Tom Lehr began playing drums at an early age and  developed an accomplished style that lends itself to Blue Jay and the Hawks aura of aggressive country rock jazz that has carried the label “bop hop”.



Jeffrey Brenan “Bushmonster” Haskett is pictured with some of “Blue Jay and the Hawks” guitars and bass guitars


Richard Haskett getting ready for a live recording with the Hawks