All original music expressed as “Blue Jay and the Hawks” written and copyrighted by Jay Haskett . The contact email for Jay is: jayhaskett@aol.com
Get in the mood for scary and suspenseful tunes, no matter what the season may be, by listening to Blue Jay and the Hawks’ scary and suspenseful, as well as well as rockin’ and rollin’ all original tunes .
(There’s more than 50 tunes so scroll downward to see the entire list)
- For a Few Hawks More-original Blue Jay and the Hawks tune with a lot of Wild West charade, especially for the patrons of the Kraver theatre. blue jay and the hawks
- Happy Hawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition featuring the "Wall of Hawk" bophop sound for which blue jay and his hawks are sorta' famously famous ! blue jay and the hawks
- Walk Hawk, Walk- original blue jay and the hawks "wall of hawk" rockin' bophop "wall of hawk" composition full of original "wall of hawk" Hawkage!!! blue jay and the hawks
- Peabody Hawk's Spook Street Rag-original blue jay and the hawks composition celebrating the life of Ms Peabody, the lovely rose hair tarantula who lived from 2002 to 2016 blue jay and the hawks
- Maestro Hawkmeister Blues- Blue Jay and the Hawks original in which they liven it for the bophop dance crowd with their melodious bopmop ! blue jay and the Hawks 1:16
- SpyHawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition featuring their "wall of Hawk" sound ! blue jay and the hawks
- Fairly Good, Sorta O.K., Definitely Hawkly- original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition-enjoy courtesy of BJ&H(blue jay and the hawks) Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:31
- RickenHawk Jangleblues- catchy and spiffy original blue jay and the hawks composition that is certain to satisfy their numerous fanclub members ! Listen to that bushmonster Jeffrey Brenan on the hollow body bass doin' his riffjob with bushmonster precision while jay accompanies him with his guitars, and Tom and Richie doin' the thang for which the Hawks are noted ! ! Blue Jay and the Hawks
- BopHop Hawk DeLighT- bophop original by Blue Jay and the Hawks Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:36
- Fast and Accurate Hawkmonster -original blue jay and the Hawks composition with plenty of fast bophop motif ! blue jay and the hawks
- The Tomb of the Wretched Mummyhawk-original blue jay and the hawks composition that sounds "real scary" when the lightswitch is in the downward position !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Bride of Hawkula- original blue jay and the hawks composition which narrates the tale of the scary Bride of Hawkula, Indeed ! blue jay and the hawks
- Vampire Hawkmates of the Night- original Blue Jay and the Hawks number mindful of the famous quote by Dracula "Listen to Them, children of the night, what music they make." blue jay and the hawks
- FrankenHawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition relating the notorious bophop tale of the monster FrankenHawk, indeed !!! blue jay and the hawks
- The Haunting of Hawk Road-original Blue Jay and the Hawks tune that describes the Horror of the Haunted Hawk Road- listen and be terrified ! blue jay and the hawks
- The Bane of the Full Moon Wolfhawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition that reminds one that "There are far worse things in life than death" blue jay and the hawks
- The KindSpirit of PookyHawk- original blue jay and the hawks tune emitting that good Halloween feeling for all in the name of PookieHawk !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Dreaded Thunderhawkfinger- original blue jay and the hawks frighteningly dreadful tale of the frightening dreadful Thunderhawkfinger- be forewarned and frightened !!! blue jay and the hawks
- The Ghost of Hawkula- original blue jay and the hawks scary tale which epitomizes the Ghost of Hawkula, no screaming, please !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Terror of the NightHawk- original Blue Jay and the Hawks terrifying tale of the haunted NightHawk- "Is It Safe?" blue jay and the hawks
- Fate of the ClockHawk Monster !!!- original blue jay and the Hawks composition depicting the finite timeline to escape the Halloween monsters !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Hawk Apparitions in a Western Mining Town- original blue jay and the hawks ghostly tune reminding one of the Old West Spirit World ! blue jay and the hawks
- Nashville Hawk-original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition featuring Jeffrey Brenan, Richard, Tom Lehr, and Jay resounding their countrified bophop emblem of Bophopmania !
- Rockabilly Hawk-original blue jay and the hawks composition which touts the rockabilly hawkishness of Blue Jay and the Hawks' hawkish behavior!!! blue jay and the hawks
- Country Hawk- original blue jay and the hawks bophop "Wall of Hawk" sound as played by Jay, Brenan, Rich, and Tom. Dare to listen and be "bophopcountryfied" !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Refrain Hawk Refrain ! - original blue jay and the hawks composition- Go Blue Jay and the Hawks, Go !!! Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:24
- Mystery Hawks- original blue jay and the hawks composition with plenty of bophop mystery for fans to decipher ! Indeed ! blue jay and the hawks
- Minor Hawk Swing- original blue jay and the hawks composition with plenty of bophop minor swing moments ! Indeed ! blue jay and the hawks
- Neon Hawkmates-original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition blue jay and the hawks 1:03
- HandieHawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition featuring the Hawks in their Western Bophop motif, rustling some bophop aura for their fans everywhere ! blue jay and the hawks
- Run Hawk, Run-original blue jay and the hawks composition with Jay, Brenan, Rich , and Tom bophopping their wall of hawk sound to their fans in the bophop universe! Blue Jay and the Hawks 2:18
- Rain Hawk, Rain- original Blue jay and the Hawks composition that demonstrates a small sample of the Hawks raining bophop for your listening pleasure blue jay and the hawks 1:12
- Bophop TomaHawk-this original blue jay and the hawks composition has Jeffrey Brenan leading the way with his bophop Bushmonster bass, followed by the rest of the Hawks in their bophop pecking order, blue jay and the hawks
- Flight of the GatorHawk-original blue jay and the hawks composition takes Brenan. Jay, Rich, and Tom soaring into the Hawkosphere ! blue jay and the hawks
- Wings of the Hawk- original blue jay and the hawks composition featuring Jay, Brenan, Rich, and Tom as they take flight into the bophoposphere !!! blue jay and the hawks
- Lost Hawk, Lost- original Blue Jay and the Hawks melodious bophop instrumental !!! Blue Jay and the Hawks 0:55
- Hawkbreak Hotel- original bophop Blue Jay and the hawks composition featuring Tom, Rich, Bren, and Jay that relives the bophop loneliness when the maestro is on vacation blue jay and the hawks 1:05
- Mean Hawks, Mean !!!- original blue jay and the hawks composition featuring Bren, Rich, Tom, and Jay with their snappy bophop blues notation ! blue jay and the hawks
- HawkBottom Blues- original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition with plenty good ole' bophop mustard Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:17
- Special Ingredient , Hawk !!!- original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition that contains the special ingredient bophop fans need and want as Brenan Bushmonster HawkHaskett arpeggios his bass notes in tandem with Jay's chordal closed voicings !! blue jay and the hawks 1:01
- Trash Traylor GatorHawk- Brenan Bushmonster HawkHaskett opens this original blue jay and the hawks number with an awesome bushmonster bass arpeggio !!! Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:17
- Turn Hawk, Turn !!!- original BJ&H(blue jay and the hawks) composition featuring Brenan Bushmonster HawkHaskett walking his famous Bushmonster counterpoint Bartell bass alongside Blue jay's guitars. Enjoy the bophop melee ! Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:05
- Scat Hawk, Scat- original Blue Jay and the Hawks Bophop Jazz number with consequential bophop effects !!! blue jay and the hawks 1:02
- All aboard the Fair Park Hawk Express -original Blue Jay and the Hawks tune featuring the handsomely talented and impressive Tom Lehr on his Slingerland Radio King drum set blue jay and the hawks 1:55
- Mamaw Hawk's Strawberry pie- original Blue Jay and the Hawks composition featuring Tom on drums, Bren on bass, and Blue Jay on guitar and reminiscing the wonderful times on Alice Street and Taylor Loop Road in Little Rock with Mamaw and Pampaw !!! blue jay and the hawks 1:00
- Parakeet Hawk Babies-original Blue Jay and the Hawks bophop melody blue jay and the hawks 1:12
- Forrest the Parrot Hawk-original blue jay and the Hawks hit penned and dedicated to Forrest the Parrot Blue Jay and the Hawks 1:19
- No Expectations-Jagger/Richards composition performed by Blue Jay and the Hawks with Gary Stewart as lead vocals blue jay and the hawks 1:55
Gary Stewart in Jay’s front yard, November 1990
Gary began recording with Jay and his hawkmates in the late 1980s into the mid 1990s.
Gary was a songwriter extraordinaire and had an immaculate country voice as evidenced by his hits with RCA in the 1970s. Time magazine described him as the king of honky-tonk. Some of his recordings with Blue Jay and the Hawks are featured on this web site.
Jay’s 1958 Gibson Super 400 he received from Rick Derringer
Rick had purchased this guitar in 1966 with royalties he obtained from his success with the famous song “Hang On Sloopy”that he recorded with the McCoys. The song, released on Bang records, entered the Billboard’s Hot Top 100 chart on August 14, 1965 and went to #1 in the United States.